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October 16, 2024

HAPPENING NOW: Military Authorized To Use LETHAL FORCE To ASSIST Civilian Police In Civil Unrest... Please look at this and the following video.

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I'm moving GunGuyTV to Rumble

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Have you tried this?

Practicing this could mean the difference between winning and getting killed.

Some Reloading Tips

I originally posted this in 2021 when reloading components were tough to find. Things have changed. Components are now plentiful. If you haven't started reloading, you should.

December 09, 2021
Lessons for Gun Owners - Attorney Explains EP96 (Syndicated version)

In the first half, attorney Sean Maloney from Second Call Defense joins me to explain the lessons gun owners can learn from what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse.

In the second half, I discuss a home invasion case from Oceanside California in which the homeowner successfully defended himself.

Lessons for Gun Owners - Attorney Explains EP96 (Syndicated version)
October 16, 2024
There is a future and it is bright!

As I walked across our property yesterday the reality of today's struggles ran through my mind. The presidential election (which is vitally important) - so many folks struggling financially - the terrible damage sin and debauchery have visited upon our society - the pain of families dealing with broken children and shattered lives - all of this and more. It can be depressing if you dwell upon it.

In my quiet time this morning I read the story of King Saul's pursuit of David and his repeated attempts to murder him - of Saul's sin falsely accusing and then killing God's priests and the entire population of the town of Nob - of David pretending to be insane in front of Abimelech in order to escape Saul - and of the incredible friendship and love of David's friend and brother, Johnathan, son of Saul. (1 Samuel 20-23)

As you read the story you get the impression that David has it all together. That despite the trial he faces, he never wavers nor struggles, to any great degree. Then you read Psalm 34 and...

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October 15, 2024
How big is a Pinyon Pine?

Pretty big. I'm 6'2", so you get the ideal. We've got a hundred of these Christmas trees on our property, at the least (maybe 200 - I've never counted them).

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October 14, 2024
The difference between a free state and a nanny state.

California - the Nanny State:

I bought this S&W 642 in California a while back. I had to wait ten days to take it home, even though I was legally carrying another gun on the same day I bought this one. Apparently, the ten day wait is to let me cool off so I don't hurt someone with the new gun. Of course, that does nothing about my ability to hurt someone with the 9mm I had already been carrying all day.

I bought the gun in California because it has to be registered in California before the Sheriff will list the gun on my California CCW. I can't carry it in California until it has been listed on my existing CCW permit. The process of listing the gun on my existing permit takes weeks. Two weeks have already passed since I applied for the modification to add this gun to my California permit. I'm still waiting.

Arizona - The Free State:

I have residency in both California and Arizona. I could have purchased this gun here in Arizona. Had I done so, I would have walked out of the gun store with...

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