GunGuyTV Crew
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July 26, 2024

Shooter (4/8) Movie CLIP

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I'm moving GunGuyTV to Rumble

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Have you tried this?

Practicing this could mean the difference between winning and getting killed.

Some Reloading Tips

I originally posted this in 2021 when reloading components were tough to find. Things have changed. Components are now plentiful. If you haven't started reloading, you should.

December 09, 2021
Lessons for Gun Owners - Attorney Explains EP96 (Syndicated version)

In the first half, attorney Sean Maloney from Second Call Defense joins me to explain the lessons gun owners can learn from what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse.

In the second half, I discuss a home invasion case from Oceanside California in which the homeowner successfully defended himself.

Lessons for Gun Owners - Attorney Explains EP96 (Syndicated version)
Update on California CCW Court Case

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September 06, 2024
We've Lost Our Frontier Spirit - It's time to get it back.

Americans were once known for their frontier spirit – what some have called rugged individualism. Unfortunately, many if not most Americans have lost it. They are dependent upon their government for just about everything from the cradle to the grave. If COVID, political corruption, and the weaponization of our government have taught me anything, it’s this: we must get our frontier spirit – our rugged individualism back.

21 hours ago
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